Univac Consulting Engineers

Steel Projects Consultancy Services
Registered Ofiice : F-10, Industrial Area, Udyog Nagar, Rohtak Road, New Delhi - 110041, India; Contact No.. : +91-81304 71841; Email : univacgroupindia@gmail.com
Univac Consulting Engineers
F-10, Industrial Area, Udyog Nagar,
Rohtak Road, New Delhi - 110041
Tel : +91-11-4571 8480,
Mobile & WhatsApp:
+91-81304 71841
Email: univacgroupindia@gmail.com
Univac is a reliable Consultancy company, providing complete solution and unmatched steel plant advisory services. Univac has played a significant role in development of Indian steel industry over the years and have acquired vast experience in conceptual planning, design and engineering of steel making, secondary metallurgy, continuous casting, Ferro-alloys and steel Re-Rolling Mills. Univac, with the support of it's multi disciplinary team of well experienced engineers, rendering its services in all spheres of activities in steel making.
The knowledge gained in steel led to the formation of consultancy company (Univac Consulting Engineers) with its corporate office at New Delhi, to provide wide range of consultancy and engineering services to the steel, non ferrous metal and other industries in India and abroad.
Univac Consulting Engineers, an ISO certified company, offers highest quality services from concept to commissioning to its clients across the world. Univac undertakes Green field projects on Consultancy / Turnkey basis, provides Design, Detail Engineering, Technical, Management, Training, Recruitment and Erection & Installation services to steel industries for the manufacturing of sponge iron, hot briquette iron(HBI), steel billets / ingots, rolling mill (long) products, large diameter pipes (ERW, HSAW, LSAW). Univac also undertakes Erection & Installation of Induction Furnace (IF), Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), Continuous Casting Machine (CCM) and other Auxiliary Equipments of steel making.
In addition to successful completion of projects in India, Univac also has satisfied clients in Egypt, Saudi Arab, Iran, Bangladesh, Nepal, Azerbaijan, and Sri Lanka..
Range of services :-
Univac provides consultancy and engineering services from concept to commissioning for steel making, continuous casting plant, Ferro alloys shop & Re-Rolling mills
Feasibility report and detailed project report
Consultancy for setting up green field steel melting shop,
continuous casting plant, Ferro alloys shop & Re-Rolling Mills
Consultancy for modernization, revamping and shifting of existing plants
Project planning and monitoring
Optimization and health study
Asset evaluation
Energy audit and environmental studies
Auxiliary steel melting shop equipments
Complete services and utilities
Material handling facilities
Civil and structural work
Gas cleaning and fume extraction system
Relocation of plant and equipment
Supply and site services
Turnkey supply of steel melting shop, continuous casting
plant & Rolling Mills
Supervision of construction, erection and commissioning
1. Design & Engineering Services
* Feasibility studies
* Bankable Project Proposals
* Detailed Project Reports
* Basic Engineering
* Detail Engineering
* Instrumentation and Automation
2. Project Management Services
* Plant Erection and Construction
* Procurement and Inspection
* Project Planning, Monitoring and Supervision
* Start-up, Testing and Commissioning
3. Management Services
* Total Quality Management and ISO: 9001
Certification Assistance
* Corporate Planning
* Benchmarking
* Corporate Restructuring
* Marketing and Distribution
* Software Development and System Design
4. Technical Services
* Plant Operation and Maintenance
* Technology Up-gradation
* Quality, Productivity and Performance
* Environment Management and Pollution
* Energy Conservation & Audit
5. HR and Training Services
* Recruitment Services
* Training for Operation, Maintenance and
Management of Steel and Power plants
* Engineering and Technical Skills Training
* Development Programmes

Setting up a new project demands huge amount of insight and foresight. And the rightful combination for the same lies with and experienced team. Having a top brass that have spent more than a decade with steel industries, apparently gives us an ocean of knowledge and experience that is put to use for the customer’s requirement.
A turnkey project includes designing choreography of the entire plant for smooth material movement to selection of right equipment required for the plant, installationof equipment and even indicating the type of manpower and man-hours required to execute the project.
We start off with visiting the actual site and indicating optimum space that would be required for setting up the plant. And after assessing the soil test report of the site, layout and shed drawings are generated. Univac Team engineers constantly engage with the customer and site visits are conducted to supervise the civil work. Auxiliary equipment are outsourced from the “best source” available in the industry with an unbiased approach and professionalism of the highest standards keeping in mind the welfare of the project at large. Necessary care is taken to ensure compliance with all statutory norms of the local industry and steer the project accordingly.